Meet our new interns!

25. august 2023

Three new great colleagues have arrived

They are talented. They contribute with new perspectives on architecture. And they add a fantastic atmosphere to our office. We have asked them a couple questions, so we can get to know them a little better.

Meet Iris from Norway: Adventurer within Acting and Landscape Architecture

Why did you decide to study Landscape Architecture?
I always knew that I wanted to work with something that is both creative and political. In my opinion landscape architecture is a perfect combination between these two fields.


How did you hear about WERK?
Through my thesis supervisor and former colleague, who also used to work at WERK.


Do you have a favorite spot in Copenhagen?
Whenever I need headspace, I travel to Amager beach. Whenever I’m meeting friends, I usually end up in Blågårdsgade.


Any fun facts we should know of? 

As a teenager, I used to act in the theatre of my home country for several years, which I sometimes miss a lot.

Meet Mathilde from Denmark: Queen of Urban Design and Ragù

What are you studying?

I’m currently studying Urban Design at Aalborg University on my third semester, the master. I chose Urban Design because of my interest in creating landscapes that accommodates and adapts to the future’s need – both in societal and environmental matters.


How did you hear about WERK?

I found WERK by coincidence and quickly realised  it was just up my ally in interests, vision and way of working with a project.


What is your favorite spot in Copenhagen?

The small brown pub called ‘Det Rene Glas’ on Nørrebrogade. I like its’ ability to gather different social groups on equal terms – because who doesn’t like a get-off-work-on-Friday beer?


Other things we should know about you?

I make the best Ragù alla Bolognese.

Meet Marilyn from Sweden: From Meme Prodigy to Architecture with a Purpose

What do you study?

I study Architecture at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. I like architecture because it has potential for being the most community-engaging career needed in society. Therefore, architecture for me is a way of creating meaningful context and change.


How did you hear about WERK?

When I was looking for inspiration for a project, I found WERK’s work through Pinterest!


Is there a particular area in Copenhagen you love?

Taking walks along Islands Brygge on a sunny day is very relaxing and idyllic.


Any fun fact you would like to share?

When I was 13, I had an Instagram page with 50 000 followers where I posted humor content. I had different sponsorships and left my parents confused when I got random packages from the sponsors.

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